Games Under Construction!

We’ve been hard at work designing, testing, and endlessly tweaking the game that will introduce Aisle 13 Games™ to the market.

Swords – Quest for the Legendary Blades™ has been a favorite game in our house for the last two years, but that hasn’t stopped us from relentlessly improving it.  We are finally at the stage where our artist is creating beautiful representations of our vision.

Once the art is as perfect as the game we will move to the manufacturing stage.

We’re all excited because we believe that you will love this game just as much as we do.  It is so easy to learn that an elementary school kid can play it, but, for the savage gamer, we have included layer upon layer of strategy and lots of quirky fun.

Even now, after years of regular play, we are discovering new things about the game.  It is endlessly fresh so it won’t sit on your shelf.

Keep your eyes and ears open and be ready to embark on a wonderful quest!